Q: What do you think about the top jungle players in the Western teams this year?
Yike: I think I'm one of them, along with Razork and Inspired who have been performing well. I also think Elyoya and UmTi are pretty good. UmTi is a bit underrated, in my opinion. Overall, I think the jungle players in the West this year are strong. Hopefully, we can show that when we face off against the Asian teams.
Q: What is your opinion on the level of play in the North American region?
Yike: I have to say that North America has improved a lot compared to last year. Since MSI, I've seen TL's performance improve significantly. I really respect their hard work and dedication. FLY is also the same. I respect the competition between them, and I think they have learned a lot from each other. We can also see their progress during scrims.
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